
Welcome to the Ankerline blog. Here I will be discussing ideas and issues that I feel share a common thread among us and our lives. Remember, while no two people are exactly the same, it is also true that no two people are exactly different. You are not alone. My desire is that these discussions will bring us together in positive ways and lead to hope, healing and encouragement for self improvement and positive change.

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Down Time & Self Care

I want to take a moment and talk about down time. Now more than ever, we find ourselves running around trying to get an inordinate amount of things done. Between our professional lives, our families, our relationships, keeping in shape and more, there are never enough hours in the day, days in the week and, when we eventually turn around and look back, years in our lives. So how can we possibly take even more time away from our master lists? We get off on major holidays and a couple of weeks a year. We can sometimes afford to get away on vacation and possibly sleep in on some Sunday mornings. And yet somehow it just doesn’t ever feel like enough. Why can’t we ever shake that feeling of being a rat in a wheel?

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Paramid of Possession

Originally envisioned as a diagrammable image (in the shape of a kind of upside down triangle) these seven elements are necessary for any person to live a happy, healthy, effective and satisfying life:

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This really takes the cake…

“If I live in the middle, then I don’t have to worry about falling off the edge.”


As a natural born extremist, I often find myself reminded of my aptitude for “all or none.” To a great extent, life is about finding balance and I know that aiming for fifty will serve me far greater than living half the time at one hundred and half the time at zero. So why is it so challenging? Through my own self-examination and struggles, I have learned that relationships are all about negotiating need. To happily coexist, we must find a way to satisfy those around us while satisfying ourselves. Too much of either of these will naturally lead to a deficiency of the other, resulting in an imbalance and dissatisfaction.

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Anticipate the Consequences of Your Actions

One of the most challenging aspects of a forward-thinking life is to walk the line between living in the moment and preparing for tomorrow. Our lives are filled with opportunities to make choices. Sometimes we choose to pull joy out of short term pleasures. But we also recognize that if we fail to plan for what’s to come, we may end up in a frustrated future looking back on what amounts to a mental picture book of nice memories.


The big question is, knowing that time will pass regardless of which way we decide to go, how will we feel when we stand in tomorrow looking back at today? Recognize that how we feel now about now may be quite different from how we will feel about now after some time passes. And since once this moment passes, it can never be changed, it’s in our best interest to do what we can to make the right choice. So imagine yourself in the near future looking back at now and try to predict how you will feel about the course you have taken. It’s quite possibly your best guide as to how to act in the present moment.

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The power of the cinema…

The beautiful thing about a good movie is that for the ninety to one hundred and twenty minutes that you are sitting in that darkened room, the filmmaker has your undivided attention. Every piece of information that transmits through your senses was a choice. What you see, what you hear and how you see and hear it has all been pored over by the Director, the Editor and often the Producers. From the writer’s choice of words to the framing of visual information by the Director and DP (Director of Photography) the story is told very specifically. Because all of this information is so highly controlled, so are the messages being sent. And the result is the potential for a mental and emotional disorientation from self. We suspend our egos and, for a brief while, forget who we are and the constructs of our lives. We float freely in another world, able to learn and process and form new opinions. It’s simply beautiful. The freeing nature of this experience can be very therapeutic and I know that, for me, when the lights come back on and I return to my life, it is always with fresh eyes and a renewed vigor.


Taking that newly found energy and perspective back into my life and relationships is what I find truly intoxicating about the movies!

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